The phrase "Never Say Never" is actually a great rule to follow. Ever notice that when you dread and dread and
dread a situation or possible outcome, it happens? Whether you believe in The Universe, Manifestation, or just fate, you can not deny that you are behind all the actions in your life. And all actions, big or small, have been manifested through thought.

Seriously! You unconsciously breathe, but there is a thought in your brain sweeping through your respiratory system telling you to breath. Just as your brain consciously tells your lips to pose a seductive smile and your eyes to give a cute wink to that gorgeous bartender in the hopes that he'll give you a free drink. You
want to breath, you
want to wink. But what about what you don't want?
While a quick thought of "I'm not going to go out tonight" wont magically take you from your bed to the dance floor, continuously thinking "I'm not going to let her bring me down. I'm not going to let her bring me down" will flare your emotions. Causing anything that persons says to be insulting. Stressing that you "can't get sick" will bring your down with the negative infliction, but mentally exclaiming "I'm healthy!" will energize the mind and body.
Positive thinking isn't some New Age mumbo jumbo. Its something that the most talented and inspiring people live by. Living with a positive mind will take you from the bottom of the barrel to the top of the highest mountain, up to the stars. Learn about any rags to riches story, you'll find that even at the worst of times, the diamonds in the rough knew that they would make it and knew that they were strong.
If you feel like you must use a negative word, make sure to incorporate a positive part at then end. Example:
"I'm not going to fall for <so and so's> games, because I am strong."
So now, when you think about what you don't want, your also including what you do want. Making your desired outcome more possible because your not mentally psyching yourself out. At some point just emphasize on the positive:
"I am strong. I am strong. I am STRONG!"
Need some help with some positive affirmations? When you find yourself in a "Can't, Not, Won't, and Don't" moment add a "because..." and insert:
- I am smart.
- I am mature.
- I am wise(r).
- I am worth more.
- I deserve more.
- I know what I want.
- I am talented.
- I am amazing.
Heres some links to dig a little deeper:
xoxo Fennec