When I was in junior high I slummed around in one of the more "popular" groups of my school. Disturbed and confused by the new skin that puberty had delivered to us, emotions ran high and self confidence was low. The girls who I associated my self with weren't all that nice and were crazy judgmental, but since I was incredibly shy and grateful to be accepted into any group at all, I allowed myself to become the same way. At the beginning of 7th grade a new girl named Laura somewhat came into our circle. I say "somewhat" because this girl clearly followed the beat of her own drum: she made friends with people from different cliques, wore crazy colorful clothes, lived in a mansion size house, and most of all seemed
completely comfortable in her own skin. It was as if pre-teen angst had totally missed this girl.

It seemed like at the blink of an eye my groups of "friends" were totally against this girl. It first started from some stupid guy; the ringleader Stephanie liked/dated him and then he turned his attention to Laura. The rule was to hate her, so we ignored her. Then the rule was to torture her. We relentlessly picked on her: starting rumors, giggling in the hallways, ugly notes, face-to-face badgering. I include myself in this because not only was I associating myself with these girls by calling them my friends, but one day I made Laura cry. That day something clicked in my head, I laid off and faded into the background, and any further shit talking I kept myself out of.
That next school year I found amazing friends who I actually had things in common with on a creative level. One of them was Laura. In fact 8 years later Laura and I are still friends, while I haven't talked to one of the mean girls since. And yes, I apologized for all the horrid things I did.
Ever since then I've always rooted for the underdog. Those are often the people who'd rather spend their time creating something and achieving their dreams. The people who decide whats going to be in style for the season, who will sit and bond with an album at 2am, and those who intrigue the world. I'm talking about the people who are so quirky and different, from the hermit crab types to those who are loved by many but understood by few. They are too busy manifesting a amazing life than to judge how others are living theirs. Underdogs are often at some point rejected and mistreated by their peers, because people can be so damn jaded. It can sometimes not be a easy rode to ride on, but ultimately it is well worth it, and so much more fun!

From my decision to root for the underdog I have become a Underdog myself. Being a Underdog is pretty much choosing to live your life for your happiness rather than for what society tells you to. Its recognizing that I'm the only Fennec that will ever be, so I better be me, be happy about it, and have fun. You choose love over fear, truth over "fact", and positivity over doubt. And do you want to know a mind blowing secret:
In the end, the Underdog is actually Top Dog.
Say whaa? Random examples: Opera Winfrey, Jim Carey, Bill Gates, Betsey Johnson, Heidi Klum, and Lady Gaga. Look up the background of your idol, at some point in their lives they were either bullied, broke, misunderstood, or just fighting for their dream. Look where they are now, so clearly choosing to be yourself and follow your true dreams doesn't equal being alone, unloved, and friendless. It may seem that way at certain points on your journey to Top Dog, but ultimately you are educating your mind to recognize true friends, beneficial lessons, and amazing opportunities.
Have you ever been a Underdog?
xoxo Fennec
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