Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Don't Sweat It: Stay Matte All Summer Long

I don't know about you, but I can't stand having a shiny face. I like to stay completely matte, to avoid chances of melting makeup. Dewy is nice too, but what starts out as dewy can turn into super shiny madness, fast!

Summer is here, and while some of us might prefer to stay out of the sun (like yours truly), avoiding the sun in no way guarantees having no sheen. Summer= hot = persperation=> yo face! And even if you're a sun bunny or don't wear any makeup to worry about melting, you probably still don't want your face to look as oily as a cheese pizza. Here are some products I recommend to stay matte chic during summer.

Anything "De-Slick" by Urban Decay
Okay, okay... so yes, I work for UD, but that does not take away from the fact that De-Slick products seriously get the job done.

De-Slick Oil control Makeup Setting Spray
New to the Urban Decay family, De-Slick setting spray that is meant to be sprayed after your full makeup application. Setting your foundation, blush, brows, eyeshadow, and lip color. Along with keeping you gloriously matte, it also: lasts for 16 hours, has temperature control so your makeup is maintained under the heat, and waterproof.
De-Slick Oil control Makeup Setting Spray

De-Slick Mattifying Powder
If you like to keep it "old school" with a mattifying powder, De-Slick powder comes in a cute compact, reduces redness, and works better than rice paper.
De-Slick Mattifying Powder

De-Slick in a Tube
My personal favorite! De-Slick in a tube can be applied before and after makeup application. One of the key ingredients that makes this product so amazing is clay, which sucks up existing oil and keeps possibly shine at bay. I like to apply this with a brush when my makeup starts took too shiny for my liking. Seriously, my makeup stays matte for hours.
De-Slick in a Tube


Prep + Prime Transparent Finishing Powder
The color is universal, reduces fine lines, minimizes pores, and makes foundation look flawless.

Blot Film
Better than rice paper, doesnt more makeup, and great on the go! Another personal favorite.


Dr. Feel Good
Great for those who don't have to worry about oil too much or don't wear any makeup. Great smell, great texture, contains Vitamin C. Apply with fingers or a brush.

dr. feelgood

Bobbi Brown

Natural Finish Long Lasting Foundation Spf 15
This is a oil-free foundation that acts as a mildly mattifed second skin. Natural Finish blends easily, lasts all day, and stays decently matte. Add Blot Film to your purse and you'll be good all day.

Natural Finish Long Lasting Foundation SPF 15

Do you have any summer oil-control tools? Have you tried any of these? Lemme know!

xoxo, Fennec

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Women Who Dont Like Women

As we all grow older (becoming pre teens to teens, teens to young adults, young adults to *BAM!* adults) there comes a point in time where all your actions are really your own. To me, any actions that are rude, inconsiderate, and/or ugly are completely inexcusable. Sure we all have a bad day and can fly off the handle for a second, but when you blatantly act immature like a damn 16-year-old, I'm not cutting you any breaks.


  • Constantly acting like your life is shit. Such as: throwing tantrums about circumstances, the "woe is me" talk, constantly giving out weak needy smiles to anyone who might allow you to complain about your life for 3 minutes.

  • Harassing any one. Period.

  • Inserting yourself + drama into a ex's new relationship.

  • Being completely disrespectful with first impressions.

Now, while my list could go on, but I'll just stop at the last one, because it's the one that's fueling the fire of this post. I can't stand women who don't like other women!

I totally understand if you're the type of chick who has more guy friends, or who just find it easy to have less estrogen in her life, or that you just like to keep your circle of female friends small. These are women who will keep themselves at a distance, but still be polite. What I don't, and refuse to understand, is why any woman would act like a bitch to another woman, upon the first time meeting her.
"Rudeness is the weak man's imitation of strength". ~Eric Hoffer

Let me elaborate.

A friend of mine, who is so amazing, inspiring, and fun, would constantly talk about her best friend Nadia who lived about 2 hours away from our town. My friend would constantly talk about how chill of a person Nadia was, how she always has her back, and how she's so fun to have a night on the town with. She also told me that Nadia is weary of other girls. I brushed that off, thinking "Oh, that just means she'll be a little reserved at first but if she's best friends with "so-and-so" she'll love me", and I suggested that we all hangout some time.

Now after months and months of hearing about Nadia, I finally got to meet her. It was upon this meeting that I understood the The Universe had kept her away from me for so long. See, I only attract amazing, loving, inspiring people into my life, Nadia, gave me the once over, a half assed handshake that any parisienne would spit on, and completely ignored me after that. No smile, and defiantly no eye contact. I was floored. This chick, who I heard about for months about how awesome she was? I couldn't even believe that my friend could even tolerate her.

After that meeting, I thanked The Universe for keeping her away from me, for all the amazing girlfriends I have in my life (I <3 you!), and moved on. I even met her a 2nd time while out at a bar with said friend. Second time I was completely ignored, and I laughed.

"Women who don't like women": because we are not in high school anymore, you need to grow up.

Why do they act this way?
These women so crippled by their own insecurities, that they treat almost every woman they come in contact with like shit. Why? Because they are threatened and too immature to act with any common sense. SILLY! We are all beautiful in our own special ways and comparing ourself to another is insane.

My advice:
The woman-hater: Be nice. Shake her hand with some integrity. Smile, "say nice to meet you". You don't have to like sugar and sunshine, you don't even have to forge a full on conversation (but why not? you might actually *GASP!* get along the other woman), but being cold and rude is not an option. Act with some class, act with some grace. If you can't be charming at least be tolerable. Then go home, grab a journal and pen, and do some serious soul splurging as to why you feel the need to act so catty towards other woman.

You, the super chic, charming super woman: Smile, be the amazing, loving gal you are, and remember that her actions towards you have nothing to do with you. Then have a coffee date with one or more of your fabulous girlfriends.

What do you think about women hating women? Have you ever been treated nasty by another gal before? Have you been the nasty gal before? Do tell...

xoxo Fennec

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Revv Wednesday: June 9th 2010

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="400" caption="I've always wanted to dye my hair blue."][/caption]

Dirty House music. I've been going to a lot of shows and it's SO MUCH FUN. Theres nothing like dancing all night. I prefer dirty house, it has a little more bass and house seems a little too raver for me, at least the shows are, I love the house music on its own. I went to the kick off of Kaskade's Dynasty Tour, and while it was SO fun, the scene was a little intense for me. While the week before that at Bassnectar it was juuuust right.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="400" caption="Found this while looking for Animal Lovin pics. Its called Prayers Before Bed by Laura-Elizabeth. Cuuute!"]Prayers Before Bed by Laura-Elizabeth.[/caption]

Being a pescetarian. I accidentally ate chicken a few weeks ago (didn't make me sick thank GOD!), but after eating it I thought "I'm good". Meat actually does not appeal to me. I seriously enjoy eating veggies and fruit, with some seafood here and there. And I enjoy eating HEALTHY. Thats something I never thought I would say, but when I eat fried, greasy food more thank once or twice a week, I feel crabby and bloat-y. Eating healthy makes me feel good.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="432" caption="Hot! I'm buying some trouser socks and ripping them up ASAP. Can you believe this is Miranda Kerr?"]Miranda Kerr by Greg Kadel[/caption]

Drinks with girlfriends, finishing a book (just finished Add More -ing To Your Life. ehhh), Coldplay -Parachutes, the new starter in my car, pink rabbits foot, Health & Harmony makeovers, MAC eyelashes (I have fallen in love with them again), white bean hummus,NASTYGALS profile on Taylor Price, friends on summer break= coming home for summer!, aaaaand hug bags of assorted wild feathers.

That hot pic of Miranda Kerr also comes with a seductive music video:


xoxo Fennec

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Animal Lovin

You know whats so amazing about animals?The only feeling they know is love. Yes, they have the natural instincts to hunt and kill, but that is survival. Animals know nothing of hate or true fear, until it is introduced to it. Not unless some jackass human being decides to torture, beat, and deprive a poor creature. But an animal's life without that is made up of true love.

Love and big cuddles! by Snapperz.

You think pictures of lions cuddling with their young is a fluke? Or that a mouse riding care free on an animals back is a setup? Oh no no no no. When an animal decides to trust you or recognizes that you are taking care of it, the love that comes from them to you can warm even the coldest heart. They are always happy to see you, they always want to show affection by nuzzling you in some way, and when you leave, they always look forward to your return.

So when your feeling low, like no one cares about you, look into your pets eyes. Go to a shelter and play with some lonely animals. Sit on a bench and feed some birds. What about taking a neighbors dog for a walk? While people, wrapped up in their own egos, can seem to take your love and time for granted, animals will appreciate and remember the attention you gave.

xoxo Fennec